RedMane Technology Welcomes Renee Guhde, Human Services Solutions Expert
Renee Guhde has joined RedMane Technology to help RedMane clients transform their human services operations, modernize their technology, and improve outcomes for those they serve.

RedMane Technology Celebrates Ottawa Office Opening
RedMane Technology LLC celebrated the grand opening of its regional office in Ottawa, ON with a ribbon cutting ceremony on September 21, 2022. Over 50 people, including Canadian dignitaries and government officials, turned out to help the firm celebrate the new office.

35 County California Entity Selects RedMane Technology for Health Services Eligibility and Enrollment Project
RedMane Technology was awarded a contract by California’s County Medical Services Program (CMSP) Governing Board to implement an automated eligibility and enrollment system to support the Board’s Connect to Care and Path to Health benefit programs, which serve lower income adults in 35 California counties.

Webinar Replay – Kinship Care Success: Real Life Insights
Experts from the Georgia DHS, Spaulding for Children, and Alberta Children’s Services share kinship care challenges and real-world strategies to address them.

RedMane Technology Opens Little Rock, Arkansas Office
RedMane Technology LLC celebrated the grand opening of its regional office in Little Rock, Arkansas with a ribbon cutting ceremony on June 6, 2022. Over 75 people, including Little Rock Chamber of Commerce representatives and numerous state and local dignitaries, turned out to help the firm celebrate the new office.

San Francisco Health Plan (SFHP) Selects RedMane Technology for Eligiblity, Enrollment, and Case Management System Project
RedMane will implement its mCase cloud-based platform to support applications, eligibility determination, enrollment, case management, provider network management (Medical Home management), communication, reporting, and billing for the Healthy San Francisco program.

RedMane Technology Canada Welcomes Marie Savitha, Social Services Technology Leader
Marie Savitha has joined RedMane Technology to help RedMane clients transform agency operations, enhance citizen experiences, and improve overall outcomes through modern technology.

Webinar Replay – Redefining Normal: A New Approach to Supporting Foster Youth
Children in foster care are in crisis. RedMane’s Laura Polk facilitated a discussion with two former foster youth who aged out of the system. They shared strategies to address the situation.

Webinar Replay – Proven Strategies: Addressing Secondary Trauma in Child Welfare Professionals
Secondary trauma in child welfare professionals is at a crisis stage. To help address the crisis, RedMane’s Nicole Fuller facilitated a panel discussion where academics and expert practitioners shared leading intervention models and self-care strategies to build resiliency for child welfare professionals.

Webinar Replay – Game Changing: Caseworkers say Child Welfare Mobile Technology Improves Outcomes and Increases Staff Satisfaction
At a recent American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) led session, caseworkers from across North America said their first-hand experience with child welfare mobile technology showed it makes everything easier, saves time, and improves family engagement.