RedMane Technology Wins Alaska Integrated Eligibility Services (ARIES) System Support Contract
RedMane Technology LLC, a Chicago-based software solutions and systems integration firm, was awarded a contract by Alaska’s Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS), Division of Public Assistance (DPA) to provide ongoing maintenance of the state’s public assistance eligibility system.

Webinar Replay – Proven Strategies: Addressing Secondary Trauma in Child Welfare Professionals
Secondary trauma in child welfare professionals is at a crisis stage. To help address the crisis, RedMane’s Nicole Fuller facilitated a panel discussion where academics and expert practitioners shared leading intervention models and self-care strategies to build resiliency for child welfare professionals.

Webinar Replay – Game Changing: Caseworkers say Child Welfare Mobile Technology Improves Outcomes and Increases Staff Satisfaction
At a recent American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) led session, caseworkers from across North America said their first-hand experience with child welfare mobile technology showed it makes everything easier, saves time, and improves family engagement.

RedMane Technology’s mCase Platform Selected for Veterans Assistance Solution for Grand Traverse County, Michigan
The Veterans Affairs Office will use mCase’s modern, mobile, and secure cloud-based solution to streamline veteran financial assistance processing and help expedite payments.

A Network of Women’s Shelters Selects RedMane Technology’s mCase Platform to Better Protect and Serve Clients
Four First Nation agencies in Saskatchewan, Canada joined forces and selected RedMane Technology to help them better manage shelter operations, organize client services, and support outreach efforts.

County of Marin California Probation Department Selects RedMane for Innovative Adult Offender Work Program (AOWP) Solution
RedMane Technology LLC, a Chicago-based software solutions and systems integration firm, was selected to implement its cloud-based Adult Offender Work Program (AOWP) solution for the County of Marin Probation Department.

Virginia Implements Mandated Reporter Portal to Better Protect Children and Strengthen Families
The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) is live with a powerful and modern Mandated Reporter Portal. Tens of thousands of healthcare professionals, teachers, and other required reporters can now quickly and securely submit suspected child abuse and neglect information online through an easy to use website.

Innovative Approach Reduces Staff Turnover to Improve Child Welfare Outcomes
Child welfare agencies are in a staff retention crisis that is impacting children and busting agency budgets. Of all things, targeted use of modern technology has shown it can improve front-line worker job satisfaction, which can stem the tide of attrition and improve child and family outcomes.

RedMane Technology’s mCase Platform Selected for Veterans Assistance Solution for Will County, Illinois
The Veterans Assistance Commission will use mCase’s modern, mobile, and cloud-based solution to provide financial assistance and support to Will County-based Honorably Discharged Military Veterans and their families.