Casino Gaming Intercept Increases Collections
The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) recognized an opportunity to further increase their child support collections by intercepting casino gaming winnings.
With a backlog of nearly $1.2 billion owed by non-custodial parents statewide, DCFS had to use every avenue to collect child support from parents who have evaded other efforts to provide support for their children.
Ten Million Dollars in New Collections
To bring the new program to life, DCFS partnered with RedMane to build a solution that allows casino cashiers to securely search a state database to determine if a casino winner is in arrears. If so, the casino can withhold funds and remit them to the state to apply toward the balance.
This casino cashier portal allows real-time inquiries based on Social Security Number, driver’s license number, state-issues identification number, and name. It also allows cashiers to enter the amount of funds withheld from a casino winner and sent to the state.
A corresponding state administrative portal allows DCFS staff to manage the process, including viewing all casino searches, pending intercepts, and other key information.
Over the past ten years, more than 3.5 million searches have been performed, resulting in almost 16,000 matches. The nearly 6,500 intercepts have yielded $10M in additional collections to support children.